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/Uncommon ventures


Uncommon Ventures is a Venture Studio for those daring enough to step into their calling, to “enter by the narrow gate”. To tread the road less traveled. To take the daily action that must be taken to step into who you're required to be to hold on to what you seek to gain.

In a world full of sheep constantly running around mountains placed to prepare, chasing the common and easy path, the familiar path, childproofing the road in front of them to mitigate “hurt” and “discomfort”, refusing to ever take the training wheels off…

Beyond a “coaching” or “consulting” firm, we’re here to reshape the very essence of leadership and personal growth.

We’re here to bridge the gap between “founder” and “CEO”, beyond simple self proclamation.

Our mission is to serve, support, and develop founders and CEOs into the leaders they're called to be. The leaders they’re required to be.

This journey of transformation focuses on six key pillars: health and physicality, mental tenacity, emotional resilience, finances, spiritual prosperity, and family and relationships.

Exemplified through the content of this list, the journey goes beyond simplistic and short sighted “business” goals; it cultivates a fulfilling, balanced life aligned with purpose and values, stepping into a higher standard, answering a call that resonates deep within each and every one of our souls.

It’s about the important shit. The stuff that really matters.

We live in times where impatience paired with the addiction to quick fixes often derails the majority of those we encounter, even the most “well-intentioned”.

Our goal is to dismantle and delete these emotional constraints, aligning actions with the rigorous daily structure required to handle what has been termed 'the backside of the blessing'. It’s already there for you, but it demands a unique breed of dedication and discipline to be truly seized and held on to.

The philosophy of Uncommon Ventures recognizes that as a founder, you're destined to live an uncommon life. This isn’t optional; it’s embedded in the very fabric of the role. It’s a responsibility. Living against the grain, standing apart from 'the rest', requires a daily commitment to personal and professional evolution. It involves facing resistance head-on, almost daring it to show up, and embracing the truth that your family, team, and customers depend on you to continually evolve through every season of your business and life. Complacency has no place here.

“What doesn’t grow ultimately dies.”

The version of you that got you here won't get you to the finish line. Matter of fact, the version of you that got you here won’t even get you to the next level. The cost to gain is far different from the cost to keep.

Stepping into an uncommon life is about unlocking directional certainty, bringing calm to the unavoidable chaos, and creating a ripple effect of compounding energy through every aspect of your life. With deep intentionality.

It begins with daily alignment and structure, confirming the action of who you are and shifting you into your calling.

Pressure… pressure is a privilege. Doesn’t matter how you cut it up, reposition it, or look at it. It's a sign of being on a path that’s worth being on, a path where changing an industry, market, or team is met with resistance. The greater the pressure and resistance, the greater the friction and opposition, the greater the calling.

At Uncommon Ventures, we've distilled our approach into three core principles:

Evaluation: Defining who you are and what you believe is the first step to becoming who you want to be. It involves identifying the metrics that truly matter, and engraining that shit into your psyche like a brand on a horse.

Execution: Building and maintaining the foundation of your life through non-negotiable daily habits that back who you say you are is crucial. You must ACT as if you BELIEVE. Action is the purest and surest form of belief. The larger the gap here, the lower the confidence. Bridge the gap completely and you become unstoppable.

Evolution: To become truly uncommon, you must continuously raise your standards and redefine your goals. Growth is a perpetual cycle of understanding, assessing, and acting. Complacency kills.

Our process is designed to take founders from chaos to confidence. From chaos to certainty in direction.

From "I don't know who I am" and "I don't know where to start", we establish control through clarity: knowing who you are, what you believe, and what to do. Then, we reach confidence and certainty, with an undeniable stack of proof that aligns your beliefs and words with your daily actions.

The truth is, “success” is multifaceted. If any aspect of life suffers at the expense of another, true success and wealth is fleeting. We ensure our clients make daily deposits into each 'bucket' of their lives, building a fortress of wealth that goes far beyond “material success”.

The type of success that develops a mindset of refusing to say no to spending time with your spouse and kids… because that shit is the most important.

Uncommon Ventures is not just a company; it's a call to arms for the visionary, the brave, those who view adversity as a requirement through preparation for forging their legacy. Our approach combines custom protocols in mindset, emotional resilience, spiritual growth, family and relationships, health and physicality, and finances, along with a commitment to community and coaching.

Our target audience – startup founders in tech, e-commerce/consumer brands, and health and wellness – are at the heart of our mission. We specialize in guiding those at the early stages (Series A or earlier), particularly those with an athletic background, through a transformative process that not only redefines their business trajectory but their personal journey.

We will never promise happiness or success in conventional terms. But we can guide you through clarity, building personalized strategies and accountability measures, ensuring you're making daily deposits in the right buckets, and tracking the compound interest of alignment and structure.

This manifesto is an invitation to embark on a journey that will challenge, inspire, and change you. It’s a journey not just to success, but to significance, to leaving a legacy that will resonate for generations to come.

That’s what we’re here to do.

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